Suits you,sir!
Note the top of my feet have a tan while the soles of my white look as pale as the day I left Ireland!
I ended up getting a bus from Krabi port to the bus terminal. On the way to the bus terminal, I started chatting with a guy from the U.K who was over here with his mate for 3 weeks on a worldwind tour of Thailand and then Laos... He had hurt himself while jumping in the local bar on Phi Phi (slinkys)) so he should have been in a foul mood but his spirits were high which was good to see, especially since he had another 12 hour bus journey from Krabi to Bangkok... As for me, I had to get a private bus to drop me back to a hostel in Krabi (Later, I found out that the hostel was a 25 miute walk from the beach. I could have walked it...dang!)! I decided to stay in Krabi for a few days and try out a few of the tours on offer.
Anyway, after I grabbed a room, I looked for the local night market in Krabi and had a go at some fried chicken and a local srawberry shake. If you are ever in this part of the world, try the strawberry shake as it's the best drink ever and really fruity!
Chilli sauce goes with everything over here, even the strawberry shake (although the reason for that could be the fact that I ate some chilli sauce with the chicken and the shake at the same time...taste explosion ! )
watching a guy perform some fire trirling tricks on stage at the local night market in Krabi
In case you are wondering, I still get dehydrated quite a bit and consequently, i am drinking between 2 to 3 litres of water a day. I tend to sweat most of this water out through the pores. Actually, I checked my weight on one of the weighing scales that happens to be outside all the 711 shops here. I have lost over 10kg since I started the trip. I am not sure how I will put some weight back on but I reckon I should as I have not been this weight in a LONG time. I might need to import some spudz from Australia!!
I decided to try a cookery course in Krabi. There were only two of us attending the Thai cookery course.Rob (a guy from the U.K living in K.L) and myself. This was cool as I needed all the time necessary to not poison myself with a green curry!
I have some pics of the experience up on facebook under the link!/media/set/?set=a.398009196924975.91300.100001476944065&type=3. Cookie the cook (she told us that was her name so who am I to doubt that!) had prepared all the food so all we had to do was dice up a few vegetables and mix\burn\cut\ them\Ourselves...We had the option of making the food 'Thai strength'. i.e: burn the tongue off yourself and to quote Cookie 'get some sexy lips (translation: get some puffy lips as the chillis would make you feel like the lips were about to burst with the heat from the chillis)' The food tasted surprisingly edible (once I got the right combination of fish oil and salt in the mixture and Rob seemed pretty happy with his effort also. I was even more impressed with myself when nobody else seemed to notice that I have grazed myself with the knife during one of the cutting sessions!!!) Anyway, we were given a book at the end of the course so I might give that a look at some stage in the future. Cookies husband (I think) gave us a lift home and he was telling me that he had moved from Chang Mai down to Krabbi a year ago. He passed through Bangkok and warned me to expect some tough times ahead when staying there as He got some abuse due to his Chiang Mai accent...ouch!!! He seemed like a cool guy so I'd better take note of his advice!
This is the certificate I received in honour of the facts that
a. I didn't accidentally burn down the kitchen during cooking lessons and
b. I didn't lose too much blood which using the sharp utensils
Look at the date, I REALLY should update this blog more often :-)
On the second night, Mary Claire mentioned that her friend had paid a visit to a pub in Krabi and the barman was a bit of a gas man. So I had a look for the 'Old West' bar and I found a guy called Charlie. The conversation went something like this...'My sister was never here before, her friend visited the olace around 8 months ago.Do you remember a guy called Eoin from Waterford?' 'I am not sure, Do you have a picture of him? ' 'uuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhh, I am afraid not.' 'Could you tell me what he looks like?' 'ugh, I am not sure what he looks like'. I think Charlie thought I was a bit special so I ordered a milk shake (with extra shakes) . That confirmed my 'specialness'.
For those who have never witnessed the miracle of a milk shake
I started talking to his coworker - Bobby. It turned out that Bobby had lived in Borris in Ossory (Laois) for 2 years (He had followed a local girl home and worked with her fathers building company 'Dohenys'. He actually seemed on the level and we had a good chat about the merits of Muai Thai boxing as well as the differances between the Thai language and the english language.

Charlie and Bobby from 'The Old West' bar
Apparently, there are 5 tones within the Thai language so it could take quite a while to learn it! --- or so I thought, After one tour had finished, I had hopped on a bus when I heard the most distinctive accent you are ever likely to hear in any part of the world, A dublin 4 accent. As usual , I asked where she was from and her reply was 'what are you doing on this bus? you were not here before..' Answering a question with a question. She was DEFINATELY irish!!!!) Her name was Rachel and she tuurned out to be quite an interesting person, epecially when she turned to one of the locals and started speaking in Thai!!! She has been over here for 15 months and picked up the language as she was teaching some kids. Her friends were shocked when she told them that she hung out with Thai people and no Irish!! Actually, she mentioned that nearly all of her friends were travelling over to Australia together ad they were worried but she was genuinely pissed off at them as they were going from an english speaking country english speakig country and they were going to hang out with the same people there anyway so the only change for them would be the weather!!
I decided to try a canoeing/kayaking trip (The name of the sport depends on where you live) as I had not tried this before and it always seemed like something that could be cool. So, I booked the trip at the hostel and the next morning, (5 minutes earlier theen expected - which was very unusual) I was pickeed up and whisked off the the water near Ao Tha Lane!
I took this photo while travelling to the canoeing trip.
There seems to be Irish bars to be found in any far flung destination as this was in the middle of nowhere!
Entering the Canoeing area, Waiting for the show to begin!
Now, where did I put that suncream...
The 'bridge of destiny'...a.k.a : the place where the boats are moored to
The Canoes are over here!!
Max (the tour guide for the trip) just telling us the pitfalls if something wrong happens.
'Don't panic, the monkeys will save you guys'
Taking photos is tough when you have to keep up with people at the same time!
Note to self: Do not drop the camera in the river or it's goodbye camera! (number 2)
Where did the others go....hello....HELLO!!!!
Nice scenery though, maybe I should take a nap and let the river take me to the nearest '7 eleven' shop
The scenery speaks for itself here ...
(well, that and I am too lazy to think of something....Actually, it might have been quicker thinking of something than writing this comment...ah, it does look peaceful and serene though.)
Amanda (The other person on the tour) and Max decide to put the pedal to the equivalent of metal and floor it! I decide to take it east and take a picture. Maybe, I should paddle or I might get lost!
.Amanda is a Canadian who rows back home in her home town. I ....was not but I had a great time trying the canoeing out .It is great fun as long as you can get a boat for one person. A boat for two people mitigates the experience as it feels llike somebody else is doing all the canoeing for you so this trip was really cool. Max stopped at a lot of spots during the 6 hours and we were able to get many pictures of the local areas.
Boat eye view of Ao Tha Lane
Don't worry, I wore a life jacket!
It wasn't necessary when traveling downstream but it choppy enough the other way!
Luckily , I never fell out of the boat
Nice use of reflections there methinks
Here come the monkeys to guide me out of the woods.
I hear some people can't tell the woods from the trees....For me I am still working on the differance between the trees and the sea!
Wait a minute. He doesn't look too friendly to me. I think he's focusing on my water bottle too much
There's no water there monkey, I swear
Ah cr*p, He found the water under my leg
(I am not going to leave my leg there while he scrapes it you know!)
He used one his nails to make a hole n the bottle and drank most of it but I wasn't too worried as I had another bottle under the other leg
Look at him, he's as happy as Larry after nicking the water....
I am as angry as angry Larry as half my water is gone. Now, get off the boat monkey,shoo!!!
'Hey, come here all monkey friends. I think he has more Water under his left leg'
I'll distract him by placing my weight on the paddle
Oh no, I am being taken over by monkeys!
Water bottle number 2 demolished
Canoeing is cool as long as you can keep your canoe between the trees and the rock.
looks easy, takes a bit of practise but good fun!
Rowing by a cave, heat exhaustion setting in
Man, that sun is hot today! I could swear I was rowing with two other people
Smile for the camera!
Random nice pic
Rowing against the wind,
Sh1t, I'd better catch up with the lads fast!
Longer strokes and you will catch up with them...
well, that and putting down the camera!
In a cove
Is that a smile or a grimace....hmmmmmm
Authentic Thai cuisine....curry and watermelon for everyone!
. then, it back out to the lagoons this time ...
Assume position at the back of the field - check
Take picture , thus slowing down the field even more - check
Row frantically to keep up with the two guys afterwards - check
Almost caught up with the guys.
It looks like my boat has a halo guiding it through the water!
An inlet
View from the inside looking out
This leaf ust be 20 feet tall
The end of the trip is nigh, sigh
This tour was so enjoyable as I was able to get a workout and a great view at the same time. Amanda seemed to be a chiled out person and Max controlled the pace so I was able to take pictures without falling too far behind/ lose the, all in all, this got a thumbs up!
I decided to try out the elephant tour followed by a trip to a waterfall and then try some water rafting...This seemed like one long day but It was a good challenge! The tour started with myself being picked up at the hotel (good dream hotel) and then changing a bus twice as people tend to get collected from lots of different hotels around here. I ended up on the elephant trek with a french family who were on a 3 week vacation. Their eyes nearly popped out of their heads when I told them I was on this side of the world for 3 months.
I nearly forgot! I went to the monkey temple also! But ,to be honest , I have seen so many monkeys at this stage , it feels like I am just looking at cats and dogs now....Even some monkeys appeared to be bored from all the viewers at this place.
So many monkeys, all vying for attention , except...
these two...I think they are dissociating themselves from the rest of the group!
Mother and baby
You could visit the monkey temple If you wanted. This was a temple that erected over a 150 years ago by a local minister who wanted this place as a shrine.
Entrance to the temple built within a cave
Buddha seen within the entrance of the cave
A Huge Buddha
Another fortune telling machine
I tried this once before in Kuala Lumpur and it gave me a good future so I'd better not jinx it!
Anyway, the elephant trek was located in the middle of nowhere.
Trees as far as the eye can see...
well, roads also
Nice Shrubs!
Nice contrast in colours here
We had to get a jeep to get to the location and when we got there, the trainers were just washing down the elephants. I had never seen the the instrument that they use to control the movement of the elephant. The trainer jumps on the head of the elephant while the 2 passengers take small steps to glide on to said elephant...It's quite a tricky process when you are an awkward person!! Anyway, I was paired with the french mother of the family and she jumped on first before I got on and tied a rope aroud the 2 of us such that we would not fall into a river if the elephant pulled any fast moves. The trainer took us on a 20 minute walk aroud the forest and back to the strating point again , where I hopped off. If you wanted, you could have the privilege of buying bananas to feed to the elephant. I thought this was a bit odd as the elephant needed to be fed anyway.If I had bought the bananas, I think I would have eaten them myself! Anyway, here are some photos of the trek.
Walking up to the platform getting ready for the elephant
I think the elephant is trying to 'outcool' the driver.
He is too lazy to hold up his nose!
Notice the scythe looking implement in the trainsers right arm.
This is used to control the elephant
Using the scythe behind the left ear
All the other elephants with their human passengers are well downstream.
Hnag on, wait up!
Do not make any sudden movements!
The Elephant looks content now that there are only two people on his back
Smile for the camera!
I think the elephant wants bananas
And now he has some, yay!
After the elephant trek, we were taken to a waterfall which contained fish at the entrance. This was a bit weird (entering the water and the fish constantly bumpping into you. I think they must have short sightedness.) Anyway, as this was rainy season, there was enough water by the waterfall to jump! so, I gave it a go.
That sign was only enforced during the dry season
View from the top
mid air
Different angle
And there's the splash!
There's a video of it up on youtube ..
Fish swimming at the waterfall.
It was weird swimming with the fishes
Continuation of the waterfall
After the waterfall,We settled into a meal fit for a knight (that likes meals). It was a buffet lunch also. I think I frightened the french guys when I went up for seconds and uummm thirds...well, the food was good!
More of the same please!
After lunch, we had a go at the rafting. The instructor gave us a 20 minute presentation about hoow safe it was and everybody would be fine, We hd a quick look at the course ,including the method the locals used to bring the water down the mountain...
The water flows down the mountain through a sysem of pipes
then we set off for te 5km down the river.
Down the river in Ao Nang
It was good fun although there were quite a few people on the river at the same time as us. At the bottom of the course, there were matbe 20 boats ,so there was one big pileup!
That was a long day but very cool!
A few Observations while venturing around Krabi town during the week that I stayed there.
1. The town was very quiet. I was told that this was the case as we hit low season.
2. The tours that were advertised in the brochures were NEVER sold at face value. Everyone always gave a 'customer' discount.
3. If you wanted, you could buy an authentic sauna suit in one of the sportstores. I had never seen one of those before but I guess you could use a bin liner and it would have the same effect! pib8340...
4. They have some cool names for gigs over here
That's some paradox
5. Pineapple goes well with everything, including biscuits !
mmmmm ,full of pineapply goodness
6. They have cool statues that are used at the traffic lights.
110 seconds before cars can pass 'go' again
The Three wise men
Nice statue of Elephants in the background
7. There are stunning views to be found at the bay .
Well, I think it's a stunning view!
8. You can find various monuments dotted all over the place here. They look impressive in the midday sun (especially when they cast a shadow and you can hide in that shadow.
Looks like an egg. Tastes like a ..statue...euch...I'd better stay off the beer
The Eagle of Krabi
Beware of The scorpian.
9. you can buy a slice of bread that is buttered and has jam on it already -
how lazy do you have to be to buy a slice of bread that's buttered and has jam on it already! (I'll take two)
10. Krabi town contains some fantastic buildings an sights.
Entrance to the local temple, located in the heart of the town
Looks a bit like a fairytale castle might look like.
It's an impressive sight to behold at night. (This temple can be found beside the main Krabi road - 400 meters from the centre of the town)
Closer view of the temple in the centre of the town
Picture of a lake to be found beside the main temple
close up of the termple
The main market in Krabi.
Inside of the market, I think I caught them on their day off
The Elephants in all their glory