Monday, 3 March 2014


 So, after a quick stop at the hostel, it was 'bye bye ' Kunming and on to Xishuangbanna. Sherif decided to head in that direction. so we booked a couple of sleeper bus tickets and we were on our way. One thing about traveling through Yunnan...the bus journeys are epic!!! It takes a long time to get anywhere . China is a big country though!
     We got chatting to a guy who was traveling from Shanghai to Laos. This Aussie guy must love traveling by bus/train as that is one hell of a journey!!! Especially during the spring festival. It was cool to see so eone do something that different though!
     When we got to the hostel, we found out that it had been double booked so they helped us get a twin room at the local hotel. This is pretty common and the price of the hotel was just as cheap as a hostel. I would recommend getting a twin  room at the hotel but remember the time of the year that you travel within China is very important. I travelled throughout the spring festivel (Chinese New Year) and everyone moves at the same time..This means that all trains are booked out for weeks and buses are hard to come by. Hotels and hostels will Jack up the price also... (As an aside, at one point we realised that we would have to stay an extra day in Xishuangbanna so we asked the woman behind the counter if we could book the room for one more day. She said yes and trebled the price before halving that price and telling us 'NOT TO TELL ANYONE')  The Phrase 'DO NOT TELL ANYONE THIS' is really becoming synonamous to China.... I never knew that the game 'Chinese whispers' is based on real events but it really is!!!
     Anyway , back to the blog.... after we arrived here , we decided that we would like to head out to the small villages that surround this area.This would be cool but we though that we would probably need more than the two of us. Luckily we checked out another hostel and someone had put up a note asking if there was anybody else interested in traveling with her to see these villages. We gave Lan a call and decided that we would meet up on the way to the village.
           We met up at Menghai and after a brief introduction, we grabbed one of the local buses ...

Going from Jinghong through Menghai

Lots of temples can be seen here 
We are close to The Thai  (and Myannmar) border at this point 

I wish I opened the window a small bit more, Drat!

Initially, we took a bus from Jinghong to Menghai then another bus to the sticks, Our goal was Bada so as far as we knew it was a two hour bus journey away. There was plenty of cool scenery to observe.

Getting ready to walk to the town of Bada.
Nice view

There isn't much coal here

I need more sun these days...

The ticket : so, the number of the seat is at the top right hand corner and the word for person looks like an upsidedown it...

Let's go in the direction of Manwa...
Full steam ahead! Now, where did I put my sunscreen

Map of the area. We started off at Jinghong and headed in the direction of Bada ,
get to Xiding and our trek will be complete!

No real wasteland here

mountains everywhere!

Follow the yellow( ish) (non) brick road 

My co-travelers ,Lan and Sharif

There was a crowd to meet us at the first village

                                                                   Locals to the rescue!

   It took us a good 3 hours to walk to the old village of Bada, It got dark around 7:30 and as it was approaching that time,
 Lan noticed one of the locals on a motor cycle and asked him if we could stay at their house for the night.They agreed and lead us up to their house. It comprised of one huge room with all the food for the animals in one corner, a T.V (naturally) closeby , a place where the stove was and then one side of the room was partitioned off into smaller rooms with the use of cutains...I have to say that the house itself was really comfortable. I slept on the floor and had a really good sleep but that could have been due to the home made Baijiu (a bit like vodka) that they gave us at supper time.They seemed to be a really nice family , 3 generations of the family lived in the house. I had forgotten how dark it got when there is no artificial light nearby also!!!

Twilight outside Bada

This meal consisted off A chicken....The whole chicken...fett, intestines, everything...extra tangy!!

Getting a meal from some kind people

Watching the tea

Catching 40 winks

The Big room in the house (photos taken by the fire where they boil the tea.)
comfiest house ever!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Kunming (The capital of Yunnan)


        I decided to try out 'couchsurfing' in China as I had not tried it here yet.I went to a New Years Eve (Western)  party that was hosted by couchsurfers in Shanghai ay it during my trip!.
        Anyway, I always like to stay at the local hostel for a night or two just to see if I can get used to the surroundings so I spent the first couple of days at the 'Cloudland International Youth Hostel'. They have a nice open space area where there is a pool table and ping pong area. The food there is cheap and ok (well,APART from the burger.It kind of looked like the remains of ash from a cigarette although it tasted OK (not like a cigerette [Don't ask!] ) ) While I was there I started chatting to a couple of people from the hostel and we came up with places to go.  The people thtat I met were intrepid travelers. Sherif (from Egypt) and Patrick (Holland) invited me to go exploring the area for the day and after I found my bearings (i.e: walk in a random direction looking for anything to eat for 45 minutes) we were ready to head off th the green lake.
The lake itself was nice but it was full of what looked like seagulls to me. I had to be aware that at any time, a gull could land a 'white present' on my shoulder. Some sat that this is a sign of good luck. I think that's a load of sh1t!
Hanging out with Sherif and Patrick at the green lake

Hanging out (or being attacked, I am not sure) with a bunch of birds.They were looking very closely at my food...hmmmmmm

Nice view of the greenness  (is that a word?) of the lakeskills

    I was regaled of stories of how cool Dali was so chilled out and cool and how to perform various types of Yoga (I promise that I will try that at some stage in the future!) The lake was a lovely place to chill out and rest but the people dressed up in costumes looking for you to take a photo with you before annoying the hell out of you for money was a bit annoying. I remember this happening many years ago on the foot of the pyramids in Giza and the same thing happens here.People need to make a living though so this is as good a way to make a living as something else I guess!
There were many people outside the park drawing those animated pictures of you (if you want a drawing of yourself.) There were at least 5 artists drawing people  and they were all very skillful!
    We stopped at another place and there seemed to be people doing some sort of traditional dance. I needed to try and see if I could dance with the best of them!!

Joining in one of the dances at the park.I think they were surprised at my dancing 'skills'

I couldn't!
It was still fun to try it though.
  I headed back to the hostel whereupon a guy gave me some good advice as regards playing the mouth organ...i.e: learn how to play it properly! To be honest, i was interesting listening to a guy talk about anything to me and then turn his head and talk about a completely different topic to someone else! His guitar and mouth organ skills were good although his clothing attire was a bit unique..
A genuine star but I think the hat could go (but he is not the one with the sun burn!!)

I had a quick t
I decided to pay a visit to my couchsurfing friend Rui...
Ruirui was very kind to me and brought me to  a poetry recital in Kunming. I had never been to one of these events before and so I did not know what to expect...maybe a few stoners talking about 'things' and 'stuff' but that was all hearsay and conjecture!
The event itself took place in the basement of a bookstore (naturally) and it was attended by (maybe) 15 people. The barman for the evening doubled as the compere and he was an interesting sort. He was able to spout out poetry in both English and Chinese (of which I could not understand (I mean, I could not really understand the English poetry  either!!! Poetry is not my strong point. I did try to grasop a few of the lines though as he was VERY dramatic!)) Ruirui is a bit of a poet so she did her thing on stage (to a good round of applause) but nothing prepared me for a Chinese guys take on rapping in English. To be honest, unless you are REALLY into rap, anyone trying to rap sounds terrible [a bit like the kid in school who tries to be cool and ends up looking like the biggest moron.] Rap is a tricky business!
At one point, some woman got up and had an idea where everybody would talk for a couple of minutes about themselves and what they wanted to be when they grew up (from their perspective of themselves when they were 7)  Of course, I remember wanting to be a milkman when I was 7!!! I do not know why really, maybe the opportunity to talk to people while working! But it was an interesting few minutes listening to everyone. When the recital finished, we had a quick chat. I think I was the only one there who didn't have too much of a gra for poetry but that didn't matter too much as the rest of the people were a talkative bunch ...especially the girl who didn't actually know what was happening as she had just walked into the shop and saw that there was a crowd o she though she would stay!
Verdict: Poetry recitals are OK but the chat after it finishes is much better.
Verdict 2: Chinese beer is still too week.
Verdict 3: I need to be able to read a map or I will get lost very quickly here!

The next day, I decided to head off to the mountains with Sherif and Dien (one of the girls back in the hostel) We heard that there was a nationalities village somewhere in Kunming where you could find many tribes willing to dance and sing for you. This sounded like a cool place to visit so we were on our way ..once the breakfast was over of course!
Dancing performed at the minorities village

Dragon boats

   One of the tribes had an interesting custom.Once a woman hit a certain age, the locals would draw a tattoo ....on her.......on her face! I had to get a picture of this as it looked so different to anything that I had seen before.

One day (when I am an old woman) I will get a tattoo on my face...

A few things were noticeable during the visit.
1. Chinese people really do not like the sun. Irish people love to get as much sun as possible (detroying skin in the process. This would never happen with Chinese people as they use unbrellas )
Dian and her friend. Chinese people do not 'do' sun burned.

2. There are tea houses EVERYWHERE!
Some tea (cha) please, my good man!

3. Outsized swings seemed to be popular. I was glad of this as I was able to get a go on the swings for the first time in a long time!

These swings are HUGE

4.  Chinese parks are very decorational. Lots of bright colours!
These all light up when it gets dark. It feels like you are walking in a fairyland storybook.

More of the same

Leading up to something big!!! (although, maybe that is the exit)

5. There are many written languages here, not just Putung Hua..
Different writings

I think this is Tibetan

6. The Chinese people like to look after the trees. I guess they do not want them to get sun burn.
I have seen a black bag placed around many trees here. I had never seen that anywhere else but if it works , It should not be knocked...

No sun tan for this tree

This place is well worth a visit as you get to see many different types of peoples and they are all friendly. Of course, that was their job in this place . I said to myself that I would like to visit an actual place where people still live like this and I heard that there was a place down in the south of Yunnan called Xishuangbanna) where this still happened so I put that in my places to go ...Xishuangbanna is very close to the border with Thailand and so it is not too far from Chiang Mai (One of the best places to go if you have time to travel around Thailand)
Bulang people and I

 Anyway, I digress....While we were ging through the nationalities village we noticed that there was a ziplining rope so we all decided to give it a go..
The ziplining is nice to try here as you can see the ground (or in this case , the water.)

                                Getting ready to swing across the river.(Do not let me down, rope!)

In this one, you are strapped in while sitting down so when you are swinging across to the other side (over some water) you kind of turn around and around and around!! It was good to try it again though!
I have to say that it is nice to visit this area as the weather is roasting hot all the time! In China people do NOT burn as they tend to stay completely out of the sun (Having non white skin looks ugly to  a Chinese person) so they must have thought that it was a bit weird seeing pepole deliberately walking under the sun!!! I made sure to wear factor 50 suntan lotion though as my skin goes from brown to red at a moments notice!

That evening, we headed out on the town in Kunming.around the Kundu area. It lights up at night with people selling what looks like homemade chips/fries (with a spicy flavour!) on the street.


and spices======


 The eclectic bars are nice if you are talking to people (people are friendly here so it's easy to chat away..) and the beer is cheap ...and you can drink outside the bar on the street with no hassle also so it is a nice place to chat away the warm evenings. The Mask bar and The Moondog bar are two nice places if you are ever here but be warned, the Moondog bar only has one toilet!!! although it does have a foosball table (an essential part of a pub!)

The next day, we decided to head off into the mountains around Kunming and see what we could find...Normally, I will go for random walks and this was no different so I found  couple of temples also!
I was able to find the burial place of Nie Er (The guy who wrote the Chinese national anthem and died when he was 23.)
Tomb of Nie Er

      A walk in the mountains was good for the lungs but also good for the photographs! There were many small artifacts dotted around the mountain here and the air is clear here.
I am here, I think

Getting a lift up the mountain.It's a LONG way down

View from the elevator

Nearly at the top

treeside view

Only a few more steps

I need some water, Sherif!

Note: Yin and Yan

These signs are seen everywhere

Laojun Temple

I was able to try the local delicacy (Mei Shiang)
Preparing the noodles

Choose your own extra's

Ready to eat (Notice the redness, That indicates spicyness, My body is still recovering from this bowl!)

After grabbing some food, we were went for a quick around the old part of Kunming and observed another temple. This is a very peaceful place so it was nice to walk around this part of the city.

pagoda number 3333

It was nice to walk around here but it was time to move on to the south of the country.  I was really looking forward to going to Xishuangbanna as it was on the Chinese side of Chiang Mai  and that was a great place to visit...Anyway, I had a LONG bus journey ahead of me...()
Here are a couple of pictures of me at the top of that mountain (pondering something!)
Where are my glasses?

feeling woozy

In outer space