It seems like I should get up at sunrise when I travel. So, at 6 o clock, I headed on the the next destination. This is a good idea as this part of China gets super hot from 11 am to 3pm. I never tested the theory that an egg will cook on the road at 33 degrees. (If only I had an egg , I would have given it a go.)
Anyway, I noticed that I was heading into Lotus plant territory.

The lotus's here seemed to go on forever. I guess it is one of the mainstay foods in this area. Even the pagoda is surrounded by lots of flowers.
Anyway, I though I should get a move on and reach the village. I never thought about landslides coring the roads until I saw the one ahead of me. I guess it had happened many times before as there was a makeshift bridge setup 500 meters away. It was scary enough crossing that bridge on a bike but I did see the locals getting ready to cross the bridge with their vehicles. They must have nerves of steel here.
Once I used the bridge, things were plain sailing all the way to the village. Well , except for the heat.
Usually, people do not stray outside in the heat here. I have seen more umbrellas being used in the heat than the rain and now I understand why.
Unfortunately , no-one was out practicing the bamboo dancing so I though I better head back to a restaurant and grab some food. Normally I do not like eating fish but as I soon found out 90 % of the restaurants around here are fish restaurants due to having so much of the creatures in the nearby lakes, rivers and streams (A dead giveaway was the name of the biggest city in the area Lishui (丽水) which means beautiful waters. I should have guessed that there would not be too much meat on the menu here!)
The houses in the area tended to be quite different. The newer style architecture does not seem as sturdy as the older building (even if some of the older buildings are missing a layer.)
The murals tend to be a bit different here. I wonder what the hats represent.
As I cycle way from the mountain , I noticed a silo looking object and a shop which looked like it had not been opened in quite a while. I thought I'd better find a place to sleep. I needed some shelter as it started to lash down just at sunset and it continued for a few hours. I hoped that the rain would disappear for at least a few days (well, rain of five minutes every hour would have been welcomed :-) )