Anyway, I discovered this part of Yiwu about 6 month ago while cycling around the high speed train tracks that lead you from Shanghai all the way into Yiwu and beyond. The view from the high speed train coming into the city is very cool though as the train flies into the town on a track that is built 10 meters off the ground.
In order to climb up the mountain to get a birds eye view of the train tracks, one has to first find DeShenYan village. As usual, I depended on Baidu maps (百度地图) to get to the area. Entering the village is nice as there are quite a few fields there and a nice mosaic on a wall.
Murals seem to be everywhere. Nice though
Time to find the virtuous and superior rock
The note of respect for your folks was noted....
Respect for the older generation
before I headed off to find some Buddist temples and the top of the mountain.
Then I was able to park the bike and start the nice walk to the top. On the way I bumped into a celestial being cavity
(仙人洞) a Buddhist hideaway in the mountains. I would imagine it would be be a cool place (literally) to stay in the burning heat of the summer. It's quite the charming, peaceful area though.
A cool place
Buddist monuments are very common in Yiwu
After a few minutes of quite contemplation, it was time to move on and bask in the glow of my skin turning an odd shade of cherry tomato red.
How many steps can be built into a mountain? They seem to be everywhere. I should not complain. They are appreciated
when one needs to get to the peak.
Onwards and upwards
Once the steps met the top of the mountain, I forgot about my lack of fitness. The views here are something else. You can see for miles in quite a few directions.
At the top of the mountain, one can see the flowers blooming in Yiwu as well as wishing wells.
Flowers in full bloom (far left)
I wish for more air so I can breathe easier.
Galloping towards the views down below
The view from the bottom of DeShengYan
The view from the ground of both railway lines was nice. The construction of both lines is something else.
One can see the fast train as well as the normal train here
I usually try to grab something to eat before heading home and this time was no different.

Green peppers with onions and rice.....Nice
DeShengYan is a cool place and well worth the visit as long as one has the energy to climb up and then down the many steps (which seem to be everywhere in Yiwu.)