I have been to Dongyang quite a few times now. It is nice to go there and aim to get to one of the malls where they sell the good stuff (a.ka.: Dairy Queen ice cream) I have heard of the traditional 童子蛋 [It is a tradition in this town for the local schools here to collect boys urine and soak eggs into the urine. Apparently , it gives the consumer superpowers.]
This is myself try the supernatural egg.
As you can see, it gave me the power to grow my hair backwards.
Anyway, this eggcelent eggperience happened a couple of weeks ago. I decided to go to Dongyang itself and see if I could fins any more life affirming occurrences.
I did have one almost life changing occurrence while going through a tunnel but luckily the truck noticed a small shiny light on my bicycle. Otherwise I could have resembled a fairly flat piece of toast.
I decided I needed to pray to one of the Gods.
Feeling content to have a chair away from the sun.
As is the case in a lot of place surrounding Yiwu, there seems to be quite a few statues / bells / pagodas.
So, it is always nice to spend a few hours perusing the area,
I wish that pagoda was open. It might
save me from the tomato metamorphosis.
Gratuitous roof shot from a slug's perspective
Hit bell with stick......check
This photo does not do the buddha statue any justice
It is always nice to grab a bite to eat at certain periods during the day. We decided to head to a local restaurant where one gets to choose different bowls. This encourages communal eating.
I guess egg and tomato goes together in every country.
After this we accidentally passed through a graveyard while cycling to a water reservoir. As it is 清明节 , there were quite a few people taking care of the graves.
Many people tend to be buried in the mountains around these parts.
Although, the graveyard looks different to the ones at home, one can still sense
a peaceful atmosphere here.
It was time to head home but not before seeing a gated community.....well, a raised gated community.
Houses seemed to be built 20 feet above ground.
One can see the foundations. Interesting....