Sunday, 5 March 2023

Sliding up and down Pujiang's infamous cockfight rock - 浦江航平斗鸡岩

 Spring is here at last. (Well at least for a couple of days) So, that means that it's time to get out the shorts and go up the mountain for a walk or two. Over here , there always seems to be be man made trails although you can go actual rock climbing. (A thing that I am not too keen to try as I like having my feet on solid ground.)

Interesting array of stuff to do here.
Nice name for a restaurant (2nd last option)
At least, I think it is a restaurant or else I might start doubting my existence.

       This area was maybe 11km from the centre of town but it might has well have been 1000km away. It is good to get away from the city and see what other things are here.
I hope I do not see the real thing here.

     I was part of a group here. As we climbed the mountain, we looked back and could see signs of a tea plantation hidden behind the go- kart track. It made me thirsty.  (looking at tea, not the go- kart track.)
Some Tetley's, please.

    On the way up, there seemed to be  bridge that one could cross with some proper safety equipment. As there was no-one really here at the time,  it was time for a quick shot and on to the next place.
Walk carefully on the wood!

      After faffing about here (and being warned for trespassing on a not strictly open part of the mountain) , it was time to walk in earnest.

Mountain top - go north.

That's more like it.

The flag in the distance is where we walked towards.
This was one hot day.

Contrary to popular belief , I do have 2 legs.
Pictures can be deceiving

Some of these fields need a little more rain to turn green

   What comes up must come down, walking up and down mountains can be tricky at times. It can be a slow process.

The hair is thinning a bit.
The hands are getting tested by the bark.

Slowly inching the way up

Nearly there

On the way down,
Using the best thing possible to stop myself from falling down the mountain.

At last , I can almost touch the peak. It's a shame I climbed a different mountain.
Near / far away

It was a tough climb but worth it for the views. Anyway......onwards and upwards.

Say '茄子'