Combination of lotus root sausages noodles and various other bric a brac
small eggs , sausages , other meats and fish are in this concoction
The cook always adds spices to the food when bbqing it.
Quite tasty with some local beverages
So, usually what happens in this restaurant is the following, you orer the food and 5 minutes later the waitress will bring the food to the table and then you cook the food yourself, this is nice as you can apply as much spices as you want .
That thing hanging from the roof sucks up he heat coming from the open fire below
Sometimes, I will head to a local restaurant and partake in some local foods. At this rrestaurant the locals are always nice. They nearly always offer a cigarette before a meal (which is the custom around here)
From my memory, I think we ordered Kungpao chicken (宫保鸡丁) strips of potato (土豆丝)
green beans (四季豆) and braised pork (红烧肉)
A couple of years ago, I visited a place called Danba (Sichuan) which is a 6 hour bus drive from Chengdu. The people here (especially the ones living in the mountains) have lived here for many generations so the food is very traditional here.
The woman of the house makes some milk mixed with nuts here.
Kaili hot pot.
I learned to never leave the bowl of rice on the table when eating it.
Although , dog seems to be sold everywhere around Guizhou, I decided not to give it a go.
Back in Yiwu, one can go to restaurants where one can eat both bbq and hot pot together.
Note the pigs blood .
Actually quite tasty after it is heated up for 10 minutes
Of course it is always nice to eat at home. At one point a friend offered to cook some food. The egg tasted almost runny but had a solid texture to it.
Rice , purple cabbage , fluffy whisked eggs and nuts with green beans and spices
Some kind of fluffy meat , pigs blood , 泡菜 and rice
The fluffy meat makes this meal nice.
The white balls 团员食品 are eaten by families usually returning for the spring festival
Sunflower seeds are free in most places
Those clear noodles hit the spot.
The potato hot pot with Kung pao chicken is quick and tasty,
Hot water is always a prerequisite with these meals.
Egg plant ,sliced potatoes and beef with green beans and other veg.

Although hot water is nice, it tastes better with a bit of flavour
The only cure for being too hot !