The plums in question.
At least, that is what I think they are.
Apart from the nice woman that sold me the plums , I shared most of the land with chickens .Man , I had forgotten how noisy they can be at times.
I never knew that chickens perched themselves on trees
Flowers out in bloom,
The amount of colour in the countryside is something else over here.
Apart from the chickens and some people selling fruit, one can see other people working away in the fields. Today it was 28 degrees Celsius so these are some hardy souls.
The amount of effort that goes into tending the land is something else here.
Farmer tending to his vegetable patch.
As for me, being of a lazy disposition I went to look for a place to rest away from the suns rays. Over here there seems to be quite a few places to grab the shade. actually saw a makeshift bed beside a quiet road as well as many open 3 walled places with murals splashed on the walls.
Nice for a quick 40 winks .
Looks like some family are getting some advice
When flying around the countryside, one will spot areas where one can just rest ones feet and drink some (usually hot) water.
Build a few meters up from the village to give the seated person a nice view of the area.
Swimming towards freedom (or food. I have not worked that one out yet.)
So what do I do when the legs get a bit tired? I try to find a stream and refresh the legs before the next part of the ride.
Nothing like listening to the sound of flowing water and putting the feet in the middle of the flow of water.
No wonder the fields are so green. It seems to have a plentiful supply of the H2O stuff.
Not a wasted patch of land here.
Apart from looking for the lakes , I just like to take nice natural pictures and at the same time, try to remember where I have been...
I know that 镇安桥 is a restaurant. It's always nice to know where the restaurants are located if one is stuck or wants to sample the local foodstuffs.
Is that the sun or the moon?
Good vista, though
Really no room to plant anything else here.
I guess the villagers head out early in the morning to farm this land and bring it back to the restaurants to do their ting later on in the day.
Eventually, I decide that I better head home but not before heading back though Qi Yi village.
The cook told me that the sausages were preserved (la chang (腊肠)
I thought he said la chang (拉肠) which means pulling a sausage.
I need to learn my tones and a few more sausage phrases.( BTW reserved sausage with noodles (香肠面) is quite the tasty dish.)
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